SearchContainingDates2008 - 2024InstitutionsSelect an institutionHEIG-VDHESAVIICTREDSIAICOMATECIIDEHE&ECHUVCOMEM+EC+GFCHEGTICTINIGTIESEG2CMedia Engineering InstituteEPFLUNILHEVSUNIFRSYMBIOSBIOTEMFirstmedNovigenixGroupe minoteriesLHSBioscientiaSimplicityBioViacamBD BiosciencesGPSTEtat de VaudHEARCHEMUUnisantéCNRSAddiction suisseECALChanginsHEPIAPMUConfédération suisseHEIALa SourcekinnteksysmosoftFHVBioalpsSIBSanté publique suisseinartis networkInselspitalHES-SOTGNSUNIBASHIBEHNVEHC-VDHRCHUGHJUHVSGHRMSACalypsMotilisValtronicMagneSystecostHEFRAntennaBioLogic SASAyanda Biosystems SACapsant Neurotechnologies Ltd – UKIFROSSHEdS-FRHEdS-FR Department of Nursing Sciences of FribourgHAS (Haute Autorité de Santé)Select skillsData sciencesFunctional materials & surfacesHealthcare management & evaluationMedical imaging & signal processingMobile & connected healthMovement sciencesRisk management, quality & standardsPersonalized HealthcareHealth securityResetSearchDiscover our projectsSeptember 2018LactémieDispositif placé sur le cheval fournissant en continu son rythme cardiaque et sa position afin de prévenir les accidents potentiellement mortels suite à un entraînement excessif.learn more September 2018Nano-MEAUsing nanostructuration technology to develop an alternative cost-effective microelectrode array (MEA), suitable for monitoring cell cultures.learn more September 2018TucuxiSoftware guiding practitioners to accurately and reliably prescribe personalized medication – a design studio for dosage adjustments.learn more September 2018Bioinformatics at the rescue of antibiotic resistanceSystematic and rapid testing of a large number of combinations, in order to identify the best bacteriophage to counter a given bacteria.learn more September 2018Predictive Analytics for the Medical SectorResearch project aiming to increase efficiency and decrease costs of daily activities in the hospital or clinic environment.learn more September 2018Pratiques humanistes et travail d'équipe en milieu hospitalierFormation du personnel infirmier de huit hôpitaux de Suisse romande (dont le CHUV et le HUG) aux pratiques humanistes dans le domaine des soins.learn more <Page 8 / 22>