SearchContainingDates2008 - 2025InstitutionsSelect an institutionHEIG-VDHESAVIICTREDSIAICOMATECIIDEHE&ECHUVCOMEM+EC+GFCHEGTICTINIGTIESEG2CMedia Engineering InstituteEPFLUNILHEVSUNIFRSYMBIOSBIOTEMFirstmedNovigenixGroupe minoteriesLHSBioscientiaSimplicityBioViacamBD BiosciencesGPSTEtat de VaudHEARCHEMUUnisantéCNRSAddiction suisseECALChanginsHEPIAPMUConfédération suisseHEIALa SourcekinnteksysmosoftFHVBioalpsSIBSanté publique suisseinartis networkInselspitalHES-SOTGNSUNIBASHIBEHNVEHC-VDHRCHUGHJUHVSGHRMSACalypsMotilisValtronicMagneSystecostHEFRAntennaBioLogic SASAyanda Biosystems SACapsant Neurotechnologies Ltd – UKIFROSSHEdS-FRHEdS-FR Department of Nursing Sciences of FribourgHAS (Haute Autorité de Santé)Select skillsData sciencesFunctional materials & surfacesHealthcare management & evaluationMedical imaging & signal processingMobile & connected healthMovement sciencesRisk management, quality & standardsPersonalized HealthcareHealth securityResetSearchDiscover our projectsJanuary 2017Impact study on pharmacy automatisationStudy on pharmacy automatisation to know how much the implementation of stock management robots affects the patient safety, traceability of medicines and the savings generated.learn more January 2017MaScarPoneAnalyzing and enhancing the security of medical devices, and at raising awareness amongst health professionals.learn more January 2017BB-SensorsA portable and miniaturized wireless vital signs monitoring system for neonatalogy.learn more September 2016Design & process developments for point-of-care test systemsIntegration of anti-body free point-of care tests in case of fever in order to reduce the overuse of antibiotics.learn more January 2016MOVABLEDéveloppement d'un système quantitatif pour l'analyse de cellules sanguines via un dispositif de microscopie optique miniaturisé permettant de compter les cellules d'un certain type, normales ou infectées.learn more January 2016H3PoCPlateforme de diagnostic médical portable, low-cost, basse consommation et haute performance, pour une utilisation dans les pays du tiers-monde par son faible prix et près du patient par sa mobilité. learn more <Page 15 / 23>