SearchContainingDates2008 - 2024InstitutionsSelect an institutionHEIG-VDHESAVIICTREDSIAICOMATECIIDEHE&ECHUVCOMEM+EC+GFCHEGTICTINIGTIESEG2CMedia Engineering InstituteEPFLUNILHEVSUNIFRSYMBIOSBIOTEMFirstmedNovigenixGroupe minoteriesLHSBioscientiaSimplicityBioViacamBD BiosciencesGPSTEtat de VaudHEARCHEMUUnisantéCNRSAddiction suisseECALChanginsHEPIAPMUConfédération suisseHEIALa SourcekinnteksysmosoftFHVBioalpsSIBSanté publique suisseinartis networkInselspitalHES-SOTGNSUNIBASHIBEHNVEHC-VDHRCHUGHJUHVSGHRMSACalypsMotilisValtronicMagneSystecostHEFRAntennaBioLogic SASAyanda Biosystems SACapsant Neurotechnologies Ltd – UKIFROSSHEdS-FRHEdS-FR Department of Nursing Sciences of FribourgHAS (Haute Autorité de Santé)Select skillsData sciencesFunctional materials & surfacesHealthcare management & evaluationMedical imaging & signal processingMobile & connected healthMovement sciencesRisk management, quality & standardsPersonalized HealthcareHealth securityResetSearchDiscover our projectsDecember 2017Smart BellSonnette électronique «intelligente» permettant d’anticiper les besoins d’un patient.learn more June 2017RIF - Radioprotection in Interventional FluoroscopyFollow-up project of AMIRR: predictive radioprotection through simulation of dedicated interventions, avoiding the use of costly and inefficient radio detectors.learn more June 2017METAXASolution logicielle développée conjointement par la HEIG-VD et HESAV dans le but répondre aux contraintes multiples inhérentes à la gestion et à la manipulation de données dans le domaine de la santé.learn more February 2015InVivoUsing smartphones as a personal healthcare database and acquisition tool by using RFID tags and Bluetooth along with devices that can measure heart rates and blood pressure.learn more October 2014IRS-3DSimulation of a room equipped with a mobile radiology unit to show the effects of irradiation through fluoroscopy units in interventional radiology.learn more March 2014ColoxCOLOX est un algorithme permettant un diagnostic avancé du cancer colo-rectal, sur la base d'une simple prise de sang.learn more <Page 1 / 3>